Gold... GOLD? in New Hampshire 

...a sometimes humorous, sometimes entertaining, always informative look at recreational prospecting in the State of New Hampshire. This 74 page book gives the reader short courses in history, geology, techniques, and environmental issues, as well as a few anecdotes about the author and his compatriots' quest for the precious metal.
There are 10 maps of proven gold producing areas within the state, and a listing of over 60 locations where gold has been found. Also included are a couple of speculative regions, for the more adventurous prospector.
The first edition, printed in April of 1994, sold out in months. The author has changed the format slightly and added a few more words, and removed the 11 typos (several of which his mother pointed out), but the book is still the same fun read.


The reviewer at the TeLeKare Mining Connection of Canyonville, Oregon says, "We recommend this book to anyone interested in recreational mining in New Hampshire. It is very interesting and informative... [written] in a down to earth way with a great sense of humor."
The Milford Cabinet of Milford, New Hampshire, writes, "Gold... GOLD? in New Hampshire is part textbook, part guidebook and part history book, held together by an author who seems to say: 'You may think this is crazy, and you may be right'...."


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